About the Agency
The Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA) is a joint powers authority agency that was formed on February 6, 2008, through a Joints Power Agreement, between the member cities of Brawley, Calexico, Calipatria, El Centro, Holtville, Imperial, Westmorland, and the Imperial County. IVRMA-designated Board governs the agency to oversee the exercise of all powers and authority on its behalf under the executed Joints Power Agreement. The IVRMA Board consists of the following members: (1) the City of Brawley, (1) the City of Calexico, (1) the City of Calipatria, (1) the City of El Centro, (1) the City of Holtville, (1) the City of Imperial, (1) the City of Westmorland, and (2) County of Imperial. The Board is set to meet only when required on the 4th Wednesday of the month to conduct business concerning IVRMA operations, decisions, and actions. In addition, IVRMA coordinates consistent monthly Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting every 4th Thursday of each month. This Advisory Committee consists of all member cities, local waste haulers, state representatives, and other agencies in Imperial County which would benefit from assisting these meetings. TAC meetings discussions pertain to transparency regarding IVRMA daily operations and provide a venue for members to discuss, issues, requests, resources, outreach efforts, funding opportunities, etc.
IVRMA's Purpose
The purpose of IVRMA is to provide coordination of economical and regional source reduction recycling of solid waste by implementing the following waste programs: Beverage Container Recycle Program, Waste Tire Program, Waste Tire Amnesty Program, Used Oil Program, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program, and Education and Outreach Program. Thus, IVRMA’s mission is to develop, implement, and support efficient and sustainable programs for waste reduction, reuse, recycling, hazardous waste management, composting, and recycled component purchasing for Imperial Valley citizens under local, state, and national mandates. This includes the following laws: AB 341, AB 939, AB 1826, SB 212, SB 1016, and SB 1374.
In addition, IVRMA serves as a waste recycling and disposal resource information center for all the communities and businesses located within Imperial County. In this capacity, IVRMA promotes additional sources of recycling and disposal services available to Imperial County residents and businesses for waste that IVRMA does not accept for recycling and/or disposal at the local HHW facilities.
The IVRMA Team
Recent Articles
IVRMA/City Clean Up Event Caliptria
IVRMA/City Clean Up Event/CR&R/ Westmorland
November 8, 2025, 8:00 AM702 E Heil Ave. El Centro CA -
IVRMA Clean Up Events
IVRMA/ Clean Up Palo Verde
November 1, 2025, 8:00 AM702 E Heil Ave. El Centro CA -
IVRMA Clean Up Events
IVRMA/ Clean Up Ocotillo
October 25, 2025, 8:00 AM702 E Heil Ave. El Centro CA