IVRMA Community Event

IVRMA Clean Up/ Imperial County/ in Coordination with Republic Service

August 10, 2024, 8:00 AM

EL Centro HHW Facility


Open Saturdays, 8:00 AM–12:00 PM

Some holidays will be observed during the weekend, please refer to the calendar for accurate operating dates.

Acceptable Household Hazardous Waste drop-off items

Garden & Workshop

  • Propane Tanks

  • Pool Chemicals

  • Adhesives & Glues

  • Thinners & Strippers

  • Rodent Poisons

  • Bug Sprays

  • Weed Sprays

  • Herbicides

  • Pesticides

  • Fertilizers

Personal Care

  • Perfume

  • Nail Polish

  • Acetone

  • Hairspray

  • Perm Chemical

  • Hair dyes

  • Deodorant

Electronic Waste

  • Household Batteries

  • Printers without

  • Cartridges

  • Fluorescent Bulbs

  • TVs

  • VCR & DVD players

  • Microwaves

  • Scanners

  • Computers, Monitors,

  • Laptops & Tablets

  • Lab Equipment

  • Power Supplies

  • Household Appliances

Garage & Auto

  • Car Batteries

  • Antifreeze

  • Motor Oil & Oil Filters

  • Tires (9 tires max per resident)

  • Gasoline

  • Grease & De-greasers

  • Wax, Polish & Cleaner

  • Transmission Fluid

  • Brake Fluid

  • Used Oil

Kitchen & Bath

  • Aerosols

  • Drain Cleaners

  • Bleach

  • Oven Cleaners

  • Upholstery Cleaners

  • Liquid Cleaners

  • Acids

  • Ammonia Cleaners